...but here is your opportunity to enthuse everyone in 140 characters (or fewer) with your tips on getting the best from our versatile goodies.
So that we can find them in future, please use hashtag #Trecipe when sending us your great ideas.
If you'd like to add a longer recipe on our Home Page, please email rupert@womersleyfoods.co.uk
30 Dec
@slinkyswimmer has to be smoked salmon on bites of sourdough toast with cream cheese and dash of @WomersleyFoods lemon,basil, bay dressing
26 Dec

@FieldAndForrest That sounds good (beetroot and soured cream)- I made a dressing with @womersleyfoods lemon, black pepper & (I forget!) vinegar. Worked well.
21 Dec

Tried a little experiment last evening @WomersleyFoods #Blackberry Vinegar with @AnniesMktGarden Beef strips in a stir fry - Yum! :o)
17 Dec

@WomersleyFoods AND blackberry one on beetroot - yummy too
17 Dec

@WomersleyFoods oooooh forgot to tell you. Did salmon blinis with your lemon and juniper for my birthday drinks last week. Yum !
16 Dec

@WomersleyFoods lemon,basil, bay and juniper vinegar thinking of using it as a secret ingredient for some meat brining
19 Nov

Pre starter; mussels, seaweed, samphire @WomersleyFoods cherry vinegar and lime, black pepper & lavender dressing tonight, going down a treat
19 Nov
19 Nov

17 Nov

@WomersleyFoods I used your lavender & apple jelly for a BBQ demo @HarrodsofLondon a while back. It was lovely. Just a little left.
17 Nov
Add some spice to your #Christmas with @WomersleyFoods Orange & Mace Dressing is fantastic! AFTWWomersley
@WomersleyFoods - hi Rupert, I've got to tell you I think I've converted about 30 of my friends 2 your #Blackberries Vinegar with bread! :o)
12 Nov

@WomersleyFoods Kedgeree with Lemon, Basil, Bay and Juniper Dressing and Herb Parchment Bread: thebotanicalbaker.wordpress.com/plants-2/wheat…
12 Nov

New recipe: Lemon Drizzle Loaf with @WomersleyFoods Lemon, Basil, Bay and Juniper Dressing: thebotanicalbaker.wordpress.com/plants/lemon/l…
10 Nov
Hubby made fab kedgeree tonight. Could just taste the lovely @WomersleyFoods lemon basil bay and juniper dressing. Yum with glass of white!
9 Nov
@WomersleyFoods the lime/blk pepper one and blkcurrant/rosemary one, which BTW, I made lovely sauce for lamb with the other day!
7 Nov
@WomersleyFoods totally fab, made a gorge sauce using damson jam, red wine and your cherry vinegar! It was lush...
6 Nov

Baked a vegan lemon drizzle cake and used @WomersleyFoods Lime, Black Pepper and Lavender dressing to stunning effect. Will be at NEC
5 Nov

@WomersleyFoods Ned is loving the golden raspberry and apache chilli dressing I bought from you. We are having a winter salad with it: not bad for a 6 yr old who hates chilli ;) he's converted! Thank you!
5 Nov

Hey Rupert @WomersleyFoods sprinkled your Orange and Mace Dressing over my grilled lemon sole yesterday evening. MMMMMMMMM !!
2 Nov
will be using the fruity selection from @WomersleyFoods on some duck breasts this Saturday.....watch this space!
@WomersleyFoods @MsMarmitelover we are big fans of your vinegars here at HM - lovely on fresh salads
I can thoroughly recommend the chilli infused vinegar by @WomersleyFoods as a fine ingredient in a spicy mint sauce. Yum.

Ribbons of carrots, fresh beetroot sliced, fresh corriander, wassabi leaves, slices of red onion @WomersleyFoods Raspberry Vinegar #Trecipe

@WomersleyFoods also like it with sharp cheddar, and on nut and date loaf, toasted, obv. With or without cheese #stillexperimenting
21 Oct

@WomersleyFoods people loved the vinegar btw we used it on a radish and goats chess crisp bread topping simple but delish :)
19 Oct

Just made a quick red wine sauce for tea using @WomersleyFoods blackcurrant and rosemary vinegar. Really good....
red wine, beef stock, a little tomato puree, your fab vinegar. Reduce and thicken with some chilled, unsalted butter.
18 Oct

@WomersleyFoods Your wonderful dressings went down a treat at my son's birthday bash on Saturday! The Apache chilli one was delicious!On salad, jacket spuds and bolognese. Everyone was talking about them.
Jacqui Smith
@WomersleyFoods Well that's what I tend to use it most for. Also love the strawberry & mint over roasted butternut squash and feta salad ;P
@WomersleyFoods Well that's what I tend to use it most for. Also love the strawberry & mint over roasted butternut squash and feta salad ;P
14 Oct

@WomersleyFoods Lemon, juniper, basil - it seems to work with so many of the things I eat and love it as a cordial too @FieldAndForrest
11 Oct

@WomersleyFoods they look amazing! Added some of your golden rasp and apache chilli to a salsa on Sat pm with scallops..... Yummy!
10 Oct

thinking some nice sea bass with prawns and a dash of some fab @WomersleyFoods Lime dressing to jazz them up a bit for our meal tonight.
9 Oct
8 Oct

@lengsel_knits heh no am making with Snøfrisk, radish, parsley, smoked sea salt from @Halen_Mon and raspberry vinegar from @WomersleyFoods
7 Oct

special tonight, grey mullet with tiger prawns & chorizo, spring onion, mint & @WomersleyFoods Lemon vinegar dressing
Simmering some juniper berries in @WomersleyFoods Chilli & Raspberry vinegar, ready for immersing our Kitchen Garden beetroot in.
3 Oct
Oof home cured gravlaks hit the spot tonight w/rainbow carrots + shallot in @WomersleyFoods raspberry vinegar, potatoes + beans. Yum.

Pump St ploughman's with Tunworth, Richardson's treacle ham, High House cox's, @WomersleyFoods geranium jelly most popular lunch today!

baked figs with Yorkshire Honey with ginger, @WomersleyFoods cherry vinegar and @YummyYorkshire honey and ginger. @local_food would approve
27 Sept

@WomersleyFoods raspberry vinegar the perfect spritz for this beetroot, apple, walnut & bacon salad... instagr.am/p/OYvex/
21 Sept

Simple #Trecipe, 2 parts Rapeseed Oil, 1 part Blackcurrant + Rosemary plus screw of pepper for dressing mixed salad. Go with homemade quiche
11 Sept

@womersleyfoods doused fresh figs wrapped in parma ham with lime, black pepper and lavender vinegar and baked them. It worked:) mopuptime
10 Sept

Picked up some dab for dinner, an under-rated flat fish. Cooking it in brown butter, capers and lemon vinegar from @WomersleyFoods YUM
23 Aug

@WomersleyFoods had a great smoked game salad with the raspberry vinegar divine
23 Aug

I am seriously in love with orzo salad, drenched in @WomersleyFoods Raspberry & apache vinegar
22 Aug

@WomersleyFoods @XantheClay mentioned my use of your Apple & Geranium jelly with greek yoghurt to dress crayfish
17 Aug

@WomersleyFoods Jeremy @YummyYorkshire told me how nice your vinegar is drizzled over their homemade icecream & we stock both!! :) #greedy

@WomersleyFoods Used lemon v. With garlic & onion inside a roasting chook at the w/e - also.....
have mascerated peeled & stoned doughnut peaches in raspberry dressing. Also yummy. :-) #enthused
12 Aug

am addicted to griddled courgettes with crumbled feta and pine nuts, drizzled with @WomersleyFoods lemon, basil, bay and juniper vinegar
11 Aug

@WomersleyFoods Great - am also having a non drinking friend for dinner at the weekend so will be using vinegars 4 cordials #Trecipe
11 Aug

@FieldAndForrest Made myself a Feta, chickpea, mint & spring onion salad last night used @WomersleyFoods Strawberry & Mint vinegar - was fab

Had yum beetroot baked in foil w @womersleyfoods vinegar plus some oil from sundried toms bottle for fab flavour last night ..Mmmmm
4 Aug
josordoni Lynne Clark
@WomersleyFoods My standard salad dressing these days is Womersley Lemon, Basil,bay & Juniper with rice wine vinegar in equal parts.
@WomersleyFoods My standard salad dressing these days is Womersley Lemon, Basil,bay & Juniper with rice wine vinegar in equal parts.
4 Aug

Ok our *Coleslaw*-carrot,cabbage,onion,good plain mayonaisse >>then dressing of local honey,lemonjuice,womersley vinegar,wholegrain mustard & olive oil -only use a small amount of dressing ;0)
Made a pear and honey smoothies for my nieces other day.

Didn't measure anything. Used 4 softish pears; vanilla ice cream/milk/runny honey toppedoff with cherry vinegar Whizzed in blender.
Eldest sprinkled cornflakes in for bit of crunch...
26 July

RT #MeatFreeMonday Here's a tip for you: drizzle our luxurious Blackcurrant+Rosemary dressing over mixed veg, roast in oven
11 July
29 June

#womersleywednesday This weeks tip. Easy! pour Strawberry & Mint Dressing and Black pepper onto strawberries for a taste of Wimbledon

#womersleywednesday Quick cured Salmon. Marinade thin slices of raw salmon in your fave fruit vinegar, toss with leaves.
15 June

#womersleywednesday Todays top tip. Lemon, basil,bay,juniper dressing with whipped goats cheese, set in fridge and use for tarts,toast,salads or crostini.
Todays tip.Make a quick sweet and sour sauce using cherry vinegar,
tomatoes, chicken stock, thicken with a little cornflour: great with
barbecued chicken or pork !!!
1 June
#womersleywednesday Todays top tip! Before BBQing meat and vegetable skewers,marinate in your fave vinegar for 2 hours....
The sugar content in the vinegar will caramelise your skewers to perfection!
26 May
#womersleywednesday Todays Tip! Make a fantastic quick mint sauce using blackcurrant and rosemary dressing and fresh mint.
Pour over roast #yorkshire lamb for a real Womersley winner !
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